Lecture 17: Joins

STA courses next semester

  • STA 214: Applied GLMs (requires MTH 111)
  • STA 310: Probability (requires MTH 112)
  • STA 311: Inference (requires 310)
  • STA 312: Linear models (requires 310 + MTH 121 or 205)
  • STA 352: Networks (requires MTH 117, 121, or 205)
  • STA 362: Multivariate (requires MTH 121 or 205)
  • STA 363: Stat learning (requires MTH 121 or 205)
  • STA 365: Bayesian (requires 310)
  • STA 368: Time series (requires 310)

Data stored in multiple tables

The nycflights13 package contains information on flights from NYC airports in 2013. The data is stored across several data frames:

  • airlines: information on each airline
  • airports: information on each airport
  • flights: information on each flight
  • planes: information on each plane
  • weather: hourly weather data

Question: What is the advantage of storing this data in multiple tables, instead of one BIG table?

Data stored in multiple tables

  • Databases often contain different tables to store different information
  • For example, a healthcare database could contain the following tables:
    • patients
    • doctors
    • offices
    • insurance

Joining tables

  age insurance  provider
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang
    provider      location
1  Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
2 Dr. Renard Winston-Salem
3  Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem

I want to add location information to the patient table. What should the resulting table look like?

Left join

  age insurance  provider
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang
    provider      location
1  Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
2 Dr. Renard Winston-Salem
3  Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem
patients |>
  left_join(doctors, join_by(provider))
  age insurance  provider      location
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem

Left join

patients |>
  left_join(doctors, join_by(provider))
  age insurance  provider      location
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem
  • Left joins are useful for adding additional information to a table
  • Left joins (generally) keep the same rows as the initial dataframe (patients), and add more columns
  • join_by specifies how to link the tables

Left joins in Python

import pandas as pd

pd.merge(patients, doctors, how = 'left',
         left_on = 'provider', right_on = 'provider')
    age insurance   provider       location
0  23.0     Aetna  Dr. Zhang  Winston-Salem
1  47.0      BCBS  Dr. Foyle     Greensboro
2  38.0  Medicaid  Dr. Zhang  Winston-Salem

Joining tables

Flights information:

# A tibble: 3 × 5
  time_hour           origin dest  tailnum carrier
  <dttm>              <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <chr>  
1 2013-01-01 05:00:00 EWR    IAH   N14228  UA     
2 2013-01-01 05:00:00 LGA    IAH   N24211  UA     
3 2013-01-01 05:00:00 JFK    MIA   N619AA  AA     

Weather information

# A tibble: 3 × 4
  origin time_hour            temp wind_speed
  <chr>  <dttm>              <dbl>      <dbl>
1 EWR    2013-01-01 01:00:00  39.0      10.4 
2 EWR    2013-01-01 02:00:00  39.0       8.06
3 EWR    2013-01-01 03:00:00  39.0      11.5 

Question: What if I want to get information about the weather for each flight?

Left joins

flights |>
  left_join(weather, join_by(origin, time_hour))
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  time_hour           origin dest  tailnum carrier  temp wind_speed
  <dttm>              <chr>  <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>      <dbl>
1 2013-01-01 05:00:00 EWR    IAH   N14228  UA       39.0       12.7
2 2013-01-01 05:00:00 LGA    IAH   N24211  UA       39.9       15.0
3 2013-01-01 05:00:00 JFK    MIA   N619AA  AA       39.0       15.0
4 2013-01-01 05:00:00 JFK    BQN   N804JB  B6       39.0       15.0
5 2013-01-01 06:00:00 LGA    ATL   N668DN  DL       39.9       16.1
6 2013-01-01 05:00:00 EWR    ORD   N39463  UA       39.0       12.7

Joining with different names

Suppose our tables looked like this:

  age insurance  provider
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang
        name      location
1  Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
2 Dr. Renard Winston-Salem
3  Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem

How would we specify the columns to link the tables?

Joining with different names

Suppose our tables looked like this:

  age insurance  provider
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang
        name      location
1  Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
2 Dr. Renard Winston-Salem
3  Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem
patients |>
  left_join(doctors, join_by(provider == name))
  age insurance  provider      location
1  23     Aetna Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem
2  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle    Greensboro
3  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang Winston-Salem

In Python

pd.merge(patients, doctors, how = 'left',
         left_on = 'provider', right_on = 'name')
    age insurance   provider       name       location
0  23.0     Aetna  Dr. Zhang  Dr. Zhang  Winston-Salem
1  47.0      BCBS  Dr. Foyle  Dr. Foyle     Greensboro
2  38.0  Medicaid  Dr. Zhang  Dr. Zhang  Winston-Salem

Another join

Patients in the system:

  age insurance   provider
1  23     Aetna  Dr. Zhang
2  47      BCBS  Dr. Foyle
3  38  Medicaid  Dr. Zhang
4  54    Humana Dr. Renard

Accepted insurance:

   company        phone
1   Anthem 800-676-2583
2     BCBS 877-258-3334
3   Kaiser 800-810-4766
4 Medicaid 877-201-3750

Suppose I want insurance information only for the patients who have an accepted insurance. What should the final table look like?

Inner join

Patients in the system:

  age insurance   provider
1  23     Aetna  Dr. Zhang
2  47      BCBS  Dr. Foyle
3  38  Medicaid  Dr. Zhang
4  54    Humana Dr. Renard

Accepted insurance:

   company        phone
1   Anthem 800-676-2583
2     BCBS 877-258-3334
3   Kaiser 800-810-4766
4 Medicaid 877-201-3750
patients |>
  inner_join(insurance, join_by(insurance == company))
  age insurance  provider        phone
1  47      BCBS Dr. Foyle 877-258-3334
2  38  Medicaid Dr. Zhang 877-201-3750

In Python

pd.merge(patients, insurance, how='inner',
         left_on = 'insurance', right_on = 'company')
    age insurance   provider   company         phone
0  47.0      BCBS  Dr. Foyle      BCBS  877-258-3334
1  38.0  Medicaid  Dr. Zhang  Medicaid  877-201-3750

Class activity
